Friday, December 02, 2005

family ties

i greeted my daughter today on her return home from maui. my son and sister/family live there. they spent time enjoying conversations all inclusive of persuasive opinions now that they are all adults. the adult/child relationship takes a severe turn depending on the age of the individual where you no longer have to listen to others. it has been my pleasure to have adult children (what a term to set upon someone related who is now in their mid-20 something's) who have been able to freely express their opinions to me since they learned how to be cognizant of their feelings. they have always been real and honest with me; no tender withholding of information in order to spare my feelings! consequently, i have been able to let go of most negative situations. mostly, i feel blessed and compelled to believe that we must somehow choose the people in our lives in order to grow to be better beings. maui has also held a special spiritual quality for my family as we all love the peace we experience within whenever we go to the island. friends of friends, family - all indictative of ohana. a special word full of love and a place to be within a community. i hope to return one day; meanwhile i can dream of a little grass shack in hawaii.

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